Don't miss the two final workshops in Writing a Novel is not Impossible, author Nadria Tucker's amazing series that breaks down the novel-writing process. Added bonus: These workshops will be the first in DISCO's brand new headquarters on the ground floor of Woodrow Hall, in Woodlawn.
As always, the workshops are free to attend, but space is limited and registration is required.
Landscape and SettingAges 13-18 | Saturday, June 16, 2-3:30 p.m. | Limit 12 students | Woodrow Hall
Sometimes the setting of a novel is just where the action takes place. In other novels, the setting operates more like a separate character. In this workshop, Nadria will guide discussion of all the ways to use landscape and setting in your own novel.
He Said, She Said
Ages 13-18 | Saturday, June 30, 2-3:30 p.m. | Limit 12 students | Woodrow Hall
In the first installment of Writing a Novel is not Impossible, Nadria and the workshop participants talked about drawing rich, believable characters. In this final workshop, we'll come full circle and discuss the importance of rich, believable dialogue between characters.