The Task: Re-examine the IB learner traits that we went over before reading “Rikki tikki tavi” (review the Power Point below). Decide on the FOUR TRAITS that you think Rikki exhibits most in the story, and create an IB profile for him (think Facebook profile!) on a half sheet of poster board.
For each trait you choose, you must provide TWO specific examples from the story
along with your explanation of how he demonstrates the trait in that part of the story.
For each example from the text, you must cite the
author’s last name and the page number in parenthesis.
Include a photo of Rikki (either hand-drawn or
printed from an online source) and make your profile colorful (but please, no glitter).
The Rubric:
Four IB traits are included on the profile – 25
Two examples from text are included with each
trait – 25 pts
Explanations of how each example shows Rikki tikki demonstrating the
trait– 25 pts
Profile is neat and
colorful – 25 pts
Projects are due on Friday, October 19, 2012