Thursday, December 15, 2011

winter packet

1.      Go to
2.      Enter this login code: PZPSX087870
3.      Enter your FIRST AND LAST NAME
4.      Complete the probe.
You will receive one bonus point for each item you answer correctly.  Points will be applied to the third nine weeks grading period.
To receive credit, you must complete the probe on or before January 3, 2012.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

A great opportunity for our girls!!!

Now Registering: Girls Engineering Conference, Jan 28
Girls Inc., in partnership with Alabama Power Foundation, ICan, and McWayne Science Center will host a Girls Engineering Conference on Saturday, January 28, at the McWayne Science Center from 9AM -3PM.
The free conference will be open to all girls in the 6th-9th grades, and limited to 90 participants. A parent/guardian will be required to attend the conference and participate in parental workshops related to strategies to support girls pursuing degrees/careers in math, science, and engineering.
Registration can be completed here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Outsiders Web Quest!!


Today we will embark on a Web Quest to learn about the setting, culture, and background info for The Outsiders.  Follow the link below, and you will find step-by-step instructions for your Web Quest.  Your findings will be pasted onto a Word document and printed (NOT SAVED) at the end of the period.

Your Web Quest results will be one CLASSWORK grade for Reading.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Students have been working so hard this month on character analysis essays - I'm so proud of them.  Today is our mock writing assessment - students are writing a timed essay in class to analyze a major character in the book or short story of their choice.  This test is designed to be a 7th grade version of AP tests they will encounter in high school when they take AP courses for Literature and Language.
Their final essay (on Langston Hughes' "Thank You M'am") for this unit is due on Monday, 10-31-2011.  Students may email their essays to me at or bring a hard copy to class on Monday (or both).  If you email, make sure you send it BEFORE class on Monday.  We will not be going to the computer lab and students will not be allowed to email or print their papers during class time.

Next week, we'll begin our fall novel, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.  Most students have this book (and many have started reading already!) but if any have not yet secured their copy, please do so asap.  Students will need their copy in class with them daily starting on Friday, November 4.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Character analysis essays

This week, we have been working on character analysis essays for "Rikki-tikki-tavi" by Rudyard Kipling.

We've worked on writing effective thesis statements and then gathering solid textual evidence to support our thesis.  Students received an essay planning sheet, and we are now drafting a detailed plan for our paper.

This process is entirely modeled writing - I am writing the paper, and students are following along and writing with me (FYI - this is an excellent opportunity to boost grades, as this final draft will count for a test grade in both Reading and Language Arts!).  Students will be responsible for listening, following along, asking questions when they don't understand, and typing the final draft according to MLA format.

Our next character analysis essay, which will be on Langston Hughes' short story "Thank You M'am," will allow students a little more independence and opportunity to show me what they learned.

Then, on Thursday, October 27, we will have our school wide mock writing assessment, where students will read a brief selection and write a timed character analysis essay for a test grade in Language Arts. 

All of this should have us ready to rock and roll on essays for The Outsiders by SE Hinton, which we will begin promptly after the mock writing assessment!  I look forward to teaching this novel so much each year - it is a treat to see students' excitement and creativity on assignments related to this selection.  We always have phenominal and challenging discussions that make us all THINK, and I'm sure this year will be no exception!

Parents AND students - if you have ANY questions or concerns about your child's progress, please don't hesitate to call or email. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Amnesty Day

Amnesty Day for this nine weeks will be this Friday, 9-30-2011.  It was originally scheduled for Tuesday, 9-27, but I have moved it back due to complications with STI.

Students - during the following times on Friday, you may turn in any work that you previously had a zero for due to failure to submit:

7:15 - 7:45 a.m. or during your PE time.  If you choose to come during PE, you must first ask permission from Coach Nabors.  If he doesn't know where you are during PE, you are skipping class.

Please keep in mind the following:

*Only classwork and project grades are redeemable - missed homework points may not be earned back.

*Assignments submitted on Amnesty Day will receive a maximum grade of 60.

*Should you need copies of a particular assignment, make sure you ask me in advance.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Last call for workbook payments!

Ms. Cosby and I are ordering workbooks tomorrow morning - if you have not paid your $28, we cannot order you copies.  The $28 covers your own Vocabulary for the College Bound booklet ($6) and your copy of Sentence Composing: A Worktext ($22).

If you do not have copies of these texts, you will need to work out a way to A) either get them on your own, or B) find a very nice friend who will make copies of all the pages for you.

Please bring the money (cash or money order only) in a sealed envelope labeled with your name and the amount.

Tomorrow by 10:00 a.m. is the absolute last time you can pay for your workbooks.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How can you improve your grade?

Progress reports went home on Friday, 9-16-2011.  I encourage you and your child to regularly check grades on STI (which is currently down - gotta love technology!). Several students have come to ask how they can improve their grade...

Before you ask, check this list:

1. Are you doing your homework and assignments on time?

2. Do you double-check your work for mistakes?

3. Do those assignments get turned in on time?

4. Do you ask appropriate questions in class?

5. Do you truly listen when instructions are given?

6. Do you study for tests/quizzes (more than one day in advance)?

7. Do you take notes when it's time to take notes?

8. Do you review those notes?

9. Is your binder organized into four main sections (Dailies, Notes/Handouts, Classwork, Homework) so it's easy to find materials?
10. Are you keeping materials in their appropriate sections?  Are you bringing what you need to class on a daily basis?

11. Do you truly read the assignment?

12. Do you use a dictionary or thesaurus when you don't understand words?

13. Do you use your class time wisely? If you finish early, do you go back and review?

14. Do you take part in extra credit when it is available? Remember, extra credit is not offered on an individual basis!



Saturday, September 10, 2011

A few important dates

A happy weekend to you all!

A few dates to mark down for the upcoming week:

Monday, September 12:  PTA Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the school's cafeteria

Wednesday, September 14:  7TH GRADE PARENT MEETING at 5:30 p.m. in the school's Media Center on the second floor.  Shortly after, we will have an information session on this year's 7th grade field trip to Washington, DC.

Thursday, September 15:  Language Arts TEST on Unit 8 from the Writer's Choice textbook.  The test will also cover diagramming simple subjects and simple predicates.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A few notes

Today, we spent our class time in the school library.  We took the AR quiz for A Wrinkle in Time and spent time browsing books, checking out, and reading independently.
Between my classroom library and the school's library, every student should now be well on his/her way to earning your first batch of AR points.

A reminder:  Your AR book should come with you to every class, every day.  My answer to the question, "What do I do when I'm finished?"  will always be, "Read your AR book."

Don't forget that your greeting card project is due tomorrow!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Greeting Card Project

Greeting Card Project

Today, students were assigned a final project on A Wrinkle in Time, our summer reading selection. Students will complete the following book report, in two parts:
Think about the characters and situations in this novel. Imagine that one character is sending a card to another character. What kind of card would that character send and why?

Task: There are TWO parts to this project.
1.    Create a card from one character in this novel to another character (50 points)
*Your card must be handmade by YOU.  You may create your card on the computer, as long as it is your original work.
*Your card may NOT be created on notebook paper.  Use white or colored printer paper, construction paper, cardstock, a piece of cut-out poster board, or anything else you like – as long as it is NOT on notebook paper!!

*You may create any kind of card EXCEPT a birthday card (sympathy, get well, miss you, thinking of you, apology, anniversary, friendship, love, congratulations, etc.)

*Be as creative as you like – use markers, glitter, magazine cutouts, poetry, anything you like!

    2. On a separate sheet of paper, include the following (50 points):
*In one paragraph (6-8 sentences), explain why you created the card you    did.
*In another paragraph, explain the importance of this choice and how the novel would be different if the card had actually been sent.
Card displays an understanding of the characters/plot of the novel:  30 pts
Followed directions: 10 pts
Neatness/Creativity: 10 pts

Paragraphs meet length standard (6-8 sentences) and address topics: 20 pts
Paragraphs reflect a thorough understanding of characters and plot: 30 pts


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scholastic Book Clubs have begun!!!

Yesterday, I sent home a Scholastic Book Club flyer with each student.  Scholastic Book Clubs are one of the best ways for students to build their personal libraries + increase their motivation to meet their point goals by discovering books they love!

Each time you order books from Scholastic online, you are helping our classroom - each time you place an online order, we earn a free book for the classroom library!

If you'd like to sign up to browse books with your child and place an order, here's how:

1. Go to
2. On the parent page, click "Register" in the "First Time Here?" section.
3. Register for your own user name and password.
4. When prompted, enter the one-time class activation code:  GM67B
(This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me)
5. Select the books you'd like to order - choose from thousands of titles - many more than you'll see in the monthly flyer.
6. Send your order to me online by the due date listed (SEPTEMBER 21, 2011) and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom.

Let me know if you have any questions!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

AR information went out today!

Today students received the results of their AR STAR test, which measures their reading level and assigns a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development).  For appropriate challenge and maximum growth as readers, students should select books with reading levels that fall within their ZPD range to read for AR points.

Point goals were also assigned today based on reading levels and the level of challenge necessary for each student's growth.

The last day to take quizzes to earn points toward this goal is Wednesday, October 10, 2011.  The percentage of your point goal that you earn as of 2:45 p.m. that day becomes your test grade for AR for the nine weeks. 

Students will have the same point goal for the second nine weeks and will be retested for a new reading level/point goal in January.

Parents, please sign your child's STAR report tonight and send it back tomorrow.  I will then send a copy home for you to keep for your records.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Coupon sales, A Wrinkle in Time, and a textbook update

A good afternoon to you all! 

I wanted to post a few reminders for you:

1.  The last day to bring in money for coupon book sales is Wednesday, 8-31-2011.  Sell, sell, sell!  If you've not brought in your signed form to take home a sales sheet and sample book, please do so asap so you can sell at least one book!

2.  Your AR test on A Wrinkle in Time will also be on Wednesday, 8-31-2011.  We've been doing some assignments in class together (we have covered chapters 1-8 so far) and I hope that has helped you brush up if it's been a little while since you finished it.

To students who did not read it - I encourage you to finish it by next week so you can make the grade (rather than having to read it later anyway and getting docked points for reading it late!!)

3.  To any parents who may have wondered where your child's textbooks are - we will be issuing books this week after we get them barcoded to each student.

Let me know if you  have any questions!

Con Buena Esperanza (With Good Hope),

Miss H

Monday, August 15, 2011

Homework link!!

Don't forget to check the homework link if you want to double check your assignment - as often as I am able, I will be posting your homework assignments on the Homework Page (click the "Homework" tab at the top).

Remember, though, that my posting homework to the Web DOES NOT negate your use of your red agenda books!!  Technology is not always reliable, and I may not be able to post everyday.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A great first day!

Wow! Today could not have gone any better. What a great first day of school!

I feel like I "know" this group of students better than I have any other group at the very beginning of the year. This is partly because I have taught several of their older siblings, but also because I have watched this class grow since they were in the 4th grade.

I already know that this group is smart as a whip, and I can't wait to see what you all will accomplish!

First up is the memorization of "Attitude" by Charles Swindoll. Students received their copy today, and it should be committed to memory by Friday, August 19. Seventh grade is a challenging year for students, teachers and parents, and I firmly believe that the success we will (or will not) experience hinges on the attitude we choose to adopt.

So be prepared to write the passage from memory on the 19th for your first TEST grade!! It will count toward both Reading and Language Arts!

Thanks for a wonderful first day!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Welcome to 7th Grade!

Welcome, Seventh Graders!

It was so nice to meet so many of you and your parents this afternoon at Open House.  Thank you to all who came, and I look forward to meeting those of you who weren't able to make it.  In case you didn't get a chance to get a close look at the Power Point that was rolling on the Promethean board, I've uploaded it here:

I hope you enjoyed Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time this summer - it is one of my favorites, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts as we dive into it together during the first weeks of school.

See you all bright and early on Wednesday!!

Miss Hardin